JAN 2018 - MAR 2019
Data Collection and Analysis Services in South Africa for the USAID Human Resources for Health in 2030 (HRH2030) Project
On behalf of URC as a sub-partner for Chemonics International Inc. and the Human Resource for Health (HRH) 2030 program, we collected data for the assessment of the composition, workload, and functions performed by community-based health and social service workforce supporting HIV programs in the municipalities of Johannesburg Metropolitan, eThekwini Metropolitan and Ehlanzeni District Municipality in South Africa.
The assessment examined the linkages and referrals between OVC activities and HIV testing and treatment initiatives and generated insights on opportunities for program efficiencies for targeting youth and adolescent age bands.
The assessment also focused on innovations that were introduced by the South African government and development partners to improve how Community Based Workers support HIV service delivery and how much can be further scaled up and/or included within ongoing social and health system reform efforts in the context of re-engineering primary health care in South Africa.